Many are wondering what is causing the statistics to drop in the number of road deaths. In Ireland there were 185 road deaths in 2011, lowest since records began. This figure includes all road users; drivers, passengers, cyclists, bikers and pedestrians. The statistic seems to be in major decline with the figure more than double […]
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Rules of the Road – what you need to know to pass your driving test
The RSA have put together an excellent website that covers the rules of the road. Apty named, it covers everything you need to know to be a safe driver, rider or pedestrian. From road signs, observing other road users to penalty points, what to do when faced with an accident and what you can […]
Driving Offenses and Penalty Points
It’s a good thing to accustom yourself with the driving offenses that could cause fines or points on your driving license. You can get up to 12 penalty points and then you get your driving license taken away for a period of time. Each offense (of which there are 42) have been adjudged a certain […]